You May be a Claims Adjuster If …..

 Comedian Jeff Foxworthy is known for redneck humor, including prefacing jokes with the preamble, "You know if you're a redneck if …"

 No comedian will achieve mainstream success with claim adjuster jokes.  We’re talking about a small, niche audience.  Nevertheless, perhaps we can -- like Foxworthy – consider what makes those of us in the adjusting profession unique. 

 So here goes.  You May be a claims professional if . . .

             You reach for your wallet, just to make sure it’s still there, when you hear a claimant or insured say, “I only want what’s coming to me ….”

             You read about a spectacular, tragic accident in the newspaper or see it on TV and say aloud, “Wow – that’s gonna’ be a big claim!”

             You may be an independent adjuster if you scan The Weather Channel for emerging tropical storms in the Caribbean and yell at the TV, "COME ON, BABY!!"

             Your car bumper sticker reads, “Adjusters get no Release.”

             You know that a Body Shop has nothing to do with a massage parlor.

             You think Flo on the Progressive commercials is hot. 

             You know that a frame-straightener isn’t found inside an optician’s shop.

             You can talk for twenty minutes straight on the pro’s and con’s of aftermarket parts. 

             You use the word “betterment” with a straight face. 

             Finally, you may be a claims adjuster if you post a blog entry with examples of "adjuster humor."